This season has been so interesting! We have quarantined, we have hunkered, we have “Netflixed and chilled” like never before. We have become homebodies by default. It’s an introverts dream! But how is it working for you? Is your home big enough? Is it too big? Is your kitchen efficient and easy to clean? Do you feel like you’re cleaning too many bathrooms or hauling your laundry all over the house? Did you have the right kind of space for your kids to do their homework? Are you struggling to find spaces that are private enough for work calls and Zoom meetings?
Surprisingly, when you consider the limitations and safety precautions of COVID19, I have seen a higher than usual uptick in friends, family and colleagues moving to new homes. One neighbor moved because their yard wasn’t feeling big enough for the at-home adventures of her young children. Another friend has realized how important it is to live in a slower-paced community with less rain and easier access to airports and hospitals. Others have realized their need for more simplified and downsized living.
I don’t think that every pain point requires a move to a new home, I truly believe we can work within the limitations to create spaces full of function and efficiency, if not downright joy. It might be fair to say that COVID-19 has caused people to slow down long enough to determine their true priorities. Without the distractions of a commute to and from work, plus the necessity of children being home all day, everyday, they’re home more and finding both their pain points and their spots of happiness.
So again, I ask. How is your home or your office working for you? Are there changes, big or small, that could be made to improve your surroundings? Are there barriers in your home that are getting in the way of things you want and need to accomplish? Write those things down and start to consider what changes should be made. Let me know in the comments or send me a message. If you think there is some way I could be of assistance, let me know!