Perhaps you have spent some of your quarantine time decluttering your home and now you’re ready to bring those donations to the nearest drop-off location. You might remember that a big pile of donations was a pain point in my home last week. Thankfully, some of the donation locations are starting to open up about now. What are your options? I’ll be listing a few in the Seattle/Tacoma area, but you may be able to seek out similar places in your own community. In all cases, please call ahead to make sure their drop off locations are open and to determine whether they have specific guidelines for donations.
Goodwill: The Goodwill in our community does not accept TV’s, furniture. Your local Goodwill may have other guidelines. This is a great place to donate used clothing, bedding, toys, games and books. Before I brought my recent load to Goodwill, I re-sorted everything by type. All clothing in one bag, all bedding in another, etc. This helps minimize the work on their end. Also, I was required to put the bags into the bin they rolled over to my car.

Habitat Re-Store: Habitat for Humanity is one of my favorite 501(c)(3) organizations. Their mission to provide quality housing while simultaneously teaching marketable skills is admirable. They accept building materials, salvaged fixtures (including lights, appliances and toilets) furniture, antiques and other housewares. All profits go back into the mission of Habitat for Humanity.
The Tacoma Rescue Mission has been continuing to serve their homeless clientele throughout the quarantine. At this time, kitchen or food donations may be brought to 425 S Tacoma Way. All other donations including clothing to 1321 Center Street. Here’s their website.

Knitting or Spinning Guild or Church Knitting or Quilting Group: This might be a great place to donate good quality yarn, knitting and crocheting supplies and quilting fabric and batting. Our church has both a knitting group and a quilting group. Recently the quilters have been creating masks for essential workers and nursing homes. It’s a good idea to call ahead to make sure they are taking new materials, particularly in this time of COVID19.
FISH Food Bank or Your Local Food Bank: It’s possible that local food banks are dealing more than ever with a load of people struggling to put food on the table. High-protein, shelf-stable foods such as tuna, peanut butter, granola bars, canned soup and beans are always welcome.

As always, it is most kind to only donate clean, usable items. Don’t donate anything that’s damaged, unusable, dirty or unwearable. I once worked for a children’s organization that received many in-kind donations. Most of the donations were very welcome and appreciated, but we did throw away the used/unclean underwear. Ew! Some things really are better in the wastebasket.